It's the Great American Sex Diet!
Updated: June 14, 2007
as seen in eDiets (excerpts - read the book)
as seen in eDiets (excerpts - read the book)
A Book Review
If you don’t believe it, just check out the same-named book and the rave reviews offered by the 38 satisfied couples who took the sex diet out for a spin. These men and women went in feeling stressed, frazzled, overworked -- you name it. They came out looking and acting as if they were now on a permanent vacation.
Imagine a diet where the main course is all the sex you care to have.
That’s right. You can eat whatever you want PROVIDED you engage in intercourse at least three to four times a week. Follow the rules and there's a darn good chance you’ll lose some weight in the process.
What's that? You say it sounds too good to be true?
Got your attention yet?
Well what sounds like every hot-blooded man's and woman’s fantasy is in fact a romantic reality. Welcome to the Great American Sex Diet, a 28-day journey to reconnecting with your partner... and yourself.
It’s about looking at sex as a healthy part of your life," she explains. "When we have sex, we feel good... we feel more alive. We talk different. We smile. The whole concept of the afterglow is so true.”
The Great American Sex Diet showcases “before” and “after” photos of couples who've undergone the challenge of more frequent sex. The guinea pigs are far from rail-thin supermodels. Their photos show them to be the average-build John and Jane Doe.
Perhaps the most noticeable thing about the pictures is how refreshed and revived the couples look after following the diet for four weeks.
For some of the participants, committing to the Great American Sex Diet was simply a practice run for a "real" weight-loss regimen.
“After completing this and being successful, two of the women went on a real diet," Corn tells eDiets. "One lost 30 pounds and the other lost 25 pounds. They proved to themselves they could complete and stick to something, which motivated both of these women to lose weight. It was amazing for them.”
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