Yesterday I was walking across a parking lot when my left foot stepped on a pebble and I almost lost my balance. Fortunately, I was holding on to my fiance's hand and he was holding on to mine.
I began to think how a small pebble could make one stumble. If the rock had been a boulder I would have easily sidestepped it but I really did not see the pebble until I stumbled. God once again spoke to me in His still small voice. He said, "Satan is not going to put large boulders, temptations, in your Christian walk. Satan knows you will not rob a bank nor murder someone so he throws pebbles in your path."
One of these pebbles is laziness. He whispers to us just sleep in, it won't hurt to miss your quiet time or church just this once. There is also the pebble of fear of looking foolish, a pebble that keeps us from witnessing. Another pebble he may toss into our path is the pebble of what's the use also known as the pebble of discouragement. You struggle while your co-workers seem to have it all together without Jesus. However, Satan does not need to throw pebbles in their paths - they are on the broad path that leads to destruction.
Pebbles come in different shapes and sizes and believe me they will come. Satan longs to see you fall. What will keep you from falling ? As I mention earlier I was holding my fiance's hand and that is what kept me from falling. Well, one day we will be marrying Jesus so that makes Him our fiance. We need to be holding on to HIs hand and realize He is holding on to our hand. We need to realize we will stumble but if we are praying, reading the Bible and worshipping, God will hold us up. Also know that if we fall our loving heavenly Father is there to pick us up, embrace us, brush off our skinned knees and get us walking on His path again.
Independent AIM Member - Marilyn Wilson Price
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