Hi to all!
This is from my next door neighbor and her business was almost annihilated by Katrina mainly because her business is closely related to tourism and tourism is almost non existent here in the New Orleans area. Any business that can be thrown her way could very well mean whether or not she can stay in business. The calanders are beautiful and show some stunning photos of New Orleans and mostly the French Quarter. You would be proud to hang one of her calanders in your home. I get one every year. The photos are so beautiful that they are suitable for framing. Boyd
Hi ya'll
Here is the info on our calendars I have promised many of you. I encourage you to add your own note regarding our credibility and relationship, then forward to anyone you choose. I wish they could hang on walls across America reminding people to plan a trip to New Orleans in the not too distant future. Thanks for your good thoughts! Lynne
Many of you enjoy our calendars each year. The photos are taken by our family and show our great city at her loveliest. This year the calendar is especially precious to us, as we have experienced such devastation of Biblical proportion following Hurricane Katrina.
We are happy to show New Orleans the way we were and the way we shall be again. Truly, our historic districts are not badly damaged and will recover more quickly than most residential neighborhoods. The French Quarter looks good...and vacant. St. Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square are clean and pretty. The buggy rides are waiting for riders. Café du Monde has re-opened for coffee and beignets. A local jazz player rolled into town just last week; his first stop was to grab his horn and offer up a bit of Dixieland on his favorite corner. Aunt Sally's is making pralines again. Hotel rooms are scarce.those that are open are filled to overflowing with FEMA, Red Cross and insurance adjusters. The Mayor and our Governor announced that we will have 10,000 rooms up by January and 20,000 in time for Mardi Gras at the end of February. While many shops are still closed, life is returning to New Orleans.
We hope you will help us spread our calendars around the country. Of course, the sales will help our family business survive. But more importantly, everyone must see us again as the great place we are. I know it is not time to come for a visit just yet. But please hang us where you can think of us every day in the coming year and plan to visit us before too long. You can help us replace those images of horror and destruction that were the last the nation saw with the real pictures of one of America's most interesting city. We love New Orleans.and her heart has been broken. Please pass this along to folks you know who may be interested and looking for a personal way to love New Orleans and help her to heal.
For those of you interested in ordering our New Orleans 2006 calendar:
The cost is $11.95 each
Add $4 for shipping and handling
Add $.50 each for each additional item.
Please mail your check in US dollars to:
Robertson Postcards, 308 N. Causeway Blvd.Metairie, LA 70001
Our NEW web site is PictureThisNOLA.com We are strong and good people. Thank you again for your support during this tough time. Grace and Peace, Lynne
Fitness By Marilyn
P. O. Box 834
Rockport, TX 78381
Independent AIM Member - Marilyn Wilson Price
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