Edward T. Creagan, MD
Mayo Clinic
reprinted from Bottom Line/Health, April 1, 2004
In my 30-year career as a cancer specialist, I have cared for approximately 55,000 patients. More than half of these people could have avoided a trip to my examining room. That's because their cancers (or, in some cases, heart disease and diabetes) developed as the result of unhealthy lifestyles, rather than a genetic roll of the dice.
Because I see the devastating effects of such lifestyles each day, I have made it a point to develop personal habits that give me the best possible odds for staying healthy. My secrets...
An annual physical is important for everyone over age 50. If you are younger than 50 and are generally healthy, ask your doctor how often you should be examined. I'm 59 and I see my internist every spring for regular screenings. These exams are absolutely essential.
My advice: In addition to annual physicals and any other screening tests your doctor may recommend for you, be sure to schedule colonoscopies (one every five years after age 50). Women should have mammograms (annually after age 40) and Pap tests every one to three years if they're sexually active. Men should have prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal exams annually starting at age 50. If a first-degree relative (parent or sibling) had cancer, begin monitoring with these tests 10 years before the age that family member developed the cancer.
My wife, "
A health and fitness universe featuring natural whole foods, natural products and services in harmony with nature and the environment! ~ Independent AIM Member ~ Marilyn Wilson Murray
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Green Veggies to the Rescue--Info !!

In This Issue...
Green Veggies to the Rescue -- All Greens (Vegetables)
Are Not Created Equal!
Keep Your Heart Healthy, Your Arteries Clear, and Your Blood Pumping Powerfully... With Your Body's Own Chemical
An Ounce of Prevention -- Immune Boosters to Help
Beat the Flu Season
3,379 Very Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Lovable
Green Veggies to the Rescue
I have a friend who used to call iceberg lettuce a "waste of chewing time" because it provides very little nutritional value. Of course, if there is one single thing that virtually every nutritionist -- from the lowest of the low-carbers to the highest of the high-carbers -- agrees on, it's that we should all be eating more green, leafy vegetables. So, if you're going to eat the lettuce, which ones are worth the effort? And why are they so fantastic for us in the first place?
To find out, I interviewed Sonja Pettersen, ND, whose use of whole foods and understanding of their healing properties are a big part of her naturopathic medical practice.
"To start with, the compound that makes plants green is chlorophyll," Dr. Pettersen explained. "Chlorophyll is a natural blood purifier. The by-products of bacterial, fungal, yeast or viral infections litter the blood vessels with compounds that shouldn't be there. Our own immune system creates complexes that attack these foreign substances, and chlorophyll goes a long way toward assisting our bodies in cleaning them out."
She went on to explain that since everything travels through the blood, blood is ultimately our way of eliminating "sludge." "Chlorophyll will manage bacterial growth," she told me. "It helps remove unwanted residue and is a natural anti-inflammatory. It's renewing to the tissues. And it helps activate enzymes, so your own body systems and actions will reach their potential." Indeed, super chlorophyll-containing plants -- such as spirulina, chlorella, and wild blue-green algae -- are an essential part of the healing armament in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other Eastern practices.
Which lettuces are best? Here's a rundown of those that are the most powerful. The numbers are the amounts of the vitamins found in one raw cup...
A (IU)
K (mcg)
Beta carotene (mcg)
C (mg)
Red leaf lettuce
Mustard greens
Source: www.nutritiondata.com
The Brassica group of vegetables, which includes cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, are packed with compounds called glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are not well absorbed by humans until they come into contact with myrosinase, an enzyme that's produced in the gut. At that point, they turn into truly amazing compounds called isothiocyanates, which are now thought to be the primary agents responsible for the anticancer activity of cruciferous vegetables. Isothiocyanates have been shown to have direct effects on human cancer cells, suppressing tumor growth and inhibiting cellular proliferation. They also help the liver in its job of detoxification.
Note: Proper gut function is necessary to produce the isothiocyanates, so if you are taking antacids, you will be indirectly blocking much of the synthesis of this crucial compound.
Winners in the Brassica group are watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, arugula and kale.
A note about cooking vegetables: Although eating most vegetables raw provides maximum nutrition, sometime we want them cooked. It is far better to steam veggies than to microwave them. Approximately 36% of nutrients are lost through steaming... but as much as 97% can be lost by microwaving.
The beneficial compounds outlined above are actually the same ones that give certain plants their bitter taste, according to Dr. Pettersen. "For example, arugula is much more bitter than iceberg lettuce -- and it also has much more benefit." She said that there is what might be called a "bitter continuum," with greens at the bitter end providing the most nutritional benefits.
Of course, green vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, which are vitamins and other compounds that help block the free radicals that can cause DNA damage, aging and even cancer. Antioxidants are rated on an oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale, which is a rating of the combined antioxidant power of a food -- how much antioxidant punch they (the antioxidants in the food) pack when taken together, working synergistically. The higher the rating, the better.
ORAC ratings of common vegetables
Brussels sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts
Broccoli florets
Red bell peppers
All in all, most greens are definitely worth the chewing time.
Keep your heart healthy, your arteries clear, and your blood pumping powerfullY... with your body's own chemical
Sounds simple, yet this discovery is so important and so revolutionary that it won the Nobel Prize in medicine.
Scientists discovered that nitric oxide, a naturally occurring chemical in your body, helps prevent heart attack and stroke in 4 ways...
It lowers cholesterol by 10% to 20%.
It reduces arterial plaque by as much as 50%.
It expands blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and allowing blood to flow more freely.
It controls platelet function, so they don't clump together and cause blood clots.
The secret is knowing how to increase nitric oxide levels in your body. And that's easy, too. Click here to learn more...
An Ounce of Prevention
A few weeks ago, I wrote about homeopathic treatments to both cure and prevent the flu (Daily Health News, October 18, 2005). Of course, not everyone believes in the effectiveness of homeopathy -- so, for the nonbelievers out there, I spoke with Daily Health News contributing editor Andrew L. Rubman, ND, about his favorite naturopathic ways to build up your immune system before flu season starts, so that you can protect yourself from the assault of germs.
According to Dr. Rubman, the real issue with regard to the flu is the state of a person's underlying health. Just because you are exposed to the flu doesn't mean that you are going to get it. Organisms are able to cause disease only when they can get past the body's defenses. A strong immune system is your best bet for deterring germs from entering in the first place -- and even if they do find their way in, a strong immune system will help limit the duration and intensity of symptoms.
Dr. Rubman's Favorite Flu Fighters
I've written again and again in these pages about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The best way to maintain wellness and prevent disease of any kind is to follow a healthful diet, get a good balance of exercise and rest, manage stress in a positive way and steer clear of negative habits such as smoking and overindulgence in alcohol. That said, Dr. Rubman has a few tricks up his sleeve to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu at this time of year. He recommends...
Selenium: A Powerful Antioxidant
This essential trace mineral is a valuable antioxidant that prevents cell damage from free radicals. Selenium helps the immune system recognize viruses and block them from entering cells, explains Dr. Rubman. With the onset of flu season, he recommends a dose of 400 micrograms (mcg) to 500 mcg a day divided into three parts -- that is about four times the usual. This should be taken only during the six to eight weeks of peak flu season.
Red Hot Chili Peppers: A Spicy, Immune-Boosting Tea
Another of Dr. Rubman's flu-fighting favorites is a spicy tea concocted from echinacea, goldenseal, slippery elm bark and just a touch of the red hot pepper capsicum. Echinacea, goldenseal and capsicum team up to fight off germs, while slippery elm bark allows the tea to coat the back of the throat, where viruses are most likely to take hold.
Here's how to make it:
At your local health-food store, purchase one-half ounce of powdered goldenseal root... one-half ounce of powdered echinacea root (not the whole plant)... two ounces of slippery elm bark powder... and one teaspoon of capsicum.
At home, put ingredients in a brown paper or plastic baggie, close tightly and shake. Transfer the contents to a screw-top jar. (Give this jar a shake each time you use it in order to remix the ingredients.)
To make the tea, pour one cup of very hot water into a mug over one-half teaspoon of the powder.
Cover and steep for five minutes. Sip up to several cups daily throughout flu season.
Use Common Sense
Of course, nothing replaces good old-fashioned common sense during flu season. This means you should avoid exposure to infected people... try not to touch your face (the most common way to transfer germs)... cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze... get plenty of fresh air... and wash your hands frequently.
With smart planning and a dose of good luck, you and your family will be able to make it through another flu season without getting sick.
Be well,
Carole Jackson
Bottom Line's Daily Health News
3,379 Very Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Lovable
Household tricks... garden secrets... indoor and outdoor projects that require little effort or money -- but provide very big reward.
BOTTOM LINE has teamed up with America's legendary home and garden experts, John and Martha Storey -- and their 30 years of wisdom -- to help Americans do "the impossible." Plus, the best from more than 100 of their expert home and garden associates to help make your home "the most admired on the block."
Read on...
Green Veggies to the Rescue
Sonja Pettersen, ND, is in practice in Scottsdale, Arizona. She received her doctor of naturopathic medicine degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.
An Ounce of Prevention
Andrew L. Rubman, ND, adjunct professor of clinical medicine, I.W. Lane College of Integrated Medicine, Orlando, Florida and medical director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, Connecticut.
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Saturday, November 05, 2005
Heart Attack Procedures
CALL 911
Everyone should also know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
The pain in the jaw happened to me and woke me from a sound sleep. I was one of the fortunate ones. Trust me when I tell you it's pain unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Given a choice between natural child birth and a heart attack, pain-wise; it's much easier to have a baby.
Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know..........
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this message tells 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this...
It could save your life!
Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home(alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this.
It could save their lives!
Fitness By Marilyn
Independent AIM Member - Marilyn Wilson Price
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
New Orleans Calendars 2006

Hi to all!
This is from my next door neighbor and her business was almost annihilated by Katrina mainly because her business is closely related to tourism and tourism is almost non existent here in the New Orleans area. Any business that can be thrown her way could very well mean whether or not she can stay in business. The calanders are beautiful and show some stunning photos of New Orleans and mostly the French Quarter. You would be proud to hang one of her calanders in your home. I get one every year. The photos are so beautiful that they are suitable for framing. Boyd
Hi ya'll
Here is the info on our calendars I have promised many of you. I encourage you to add your own note regarding our credibility and relationship, then forward to anyone you choose. I wish they could hang on walls across America reminding people to plan a trip to New Orleans in the not too distant future. Thanks for your good thoughts! Lynne
Many of you enjoy our calendars each year. The photos are taken by our family and show our great city at her loveliest. This year the calendar is especially precious to us, as we have experienced such devastation of Biblical proportion following Hurricane Katrina.
We are happy to show New Orleans the way we were and the way we shall be again. Truly, our historic districts are not badly damaged and will recover more quickly than most residential neighborhoods. The French Quarter looks good...and vacant. St. Louis Cathedral and Jackson Square are clean and pretty. The buggy rides are waiting for riders. Café du Monde has re-opened for coffee and beignets. A local jazz player rolled into town just last week; his first stop was to grab his horn and offer up a bit of Dixieland on his favorite corner. Aunt Sally's is making pralines again. Hotel rooms are scarce.those that are open are filled to overflowing with FEMA, Red Cross and insurance adjusters. The Mayor and our Governor announced that we will have 10,000 rooms up by January and 20,000 in time for Mardi Gras at the end of February. While many shops are still closed, life is returning to New Orleans.
We hope you will help us spread our calendars around the country. Of course, the sales will help our family business survive. But more importantly, everyone must see us again as the great place we are. I know it is not time to come for a visit just yet. But please hang us where you can think of us every day in the coming year and plan to visit us before too long. You can help us replace those images of horror and destruction that were the last the nation saw with the real pictures of one of America's most interesting city. We love New Orleans.and her heart has been broken. Please pass this along to folks you know who may be interested and looking for a personal way to love New Orleans and help her to heal.
For those of you interested in ordering our New Orleans 2006 calendar:
The cost is $11.95 each
Add $4 for shipping and handling
Add $.50 each for each additional item.
Please mail your check in US dollars to:
Robertson Postcards, 308 N. Causeway Blvd.Metairie, LA 70001
Our NEW web site is PictureThisNOLA.com We are strong and good people. Thank you again for your support during this tough time. Grace and Peace, Lynne
Fitness By Marilyn
P. O. Box 834
Rockport, TX 78381
Independent AIM Member - Marilyn Wilson Price
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