We NEED your help. Vote Nov 8 FOR the Marriage Amendment to the Texas Constitution
- Please help get the word out!
(There are a total of 9 proposed amendments - see sample ballot.)
Sample Ballot - http:////:www.texansformarriage.org/SampleBallot.pdf
Analyses of the 9 Constitutional Amendments http://www.tlc.state.tx.us/pubsconamend/pubsconamend.html
Best Website - http://www.texansformarriage.org
Register to Vote - http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/reqvr.shtml
Free Voters' Guides - http://www.freemarket.org/portal/index.php?option=displaypage&Itemid=165&op=page&SubMenu=
To reserve your copy of the Voters' Guides for the 2005 Constitutional Amendments or request a bulk shipment for your church, please call 972-423-8889 x104 or e-mail: programs@freemarket.org
Justice at the Gate
Building strategic partnerships to mobilize Christians
to pray effectively and to vote righteously
PO Box 681148
San Antonio, Texas 78268
Alice Patterson, President
(210) 677-8214
September 27, 2005
In May both houses of the Texas Legislature passed HJR6 stating that "that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage." Although our state had passed a "Defense of Marriage Act" a couple of years ago, our legislators understood that it was necessary to make marriage between one man and one woman a part of our state constitution so that it would be beyond the reach of activist judges who have struck down similar statutes in different states across the nation. The next step is for registered voters in Texas to approve the amendment, now known as PROPOSITION 2, in the Special Election on November 8, so that it can become a part of our constitution.
That's a question many pastors are asking. Intercessors Network of Sweden (Intercessors.Network@Comhem.se) reports the following:
With the passage of legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in Canada and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the “hate propaganda†sections of the Criminal Code of Canada, assurances were made by the federal government that those opposed to the legislation on religious grounds would not face recrimination. This assurance was questioned by many and this questioning appears to be justified with recent human rights complaints.
When same-sex marriage was legalized, marriage commissioners across the country raised questions about their obligations under the new legislation. The province of Saskatchewan has taken a particularly harsh stance, stating that all commissioners must either be willing to perform same-sex marriages or resign. Instead, Orville Nichols and two other commissioners filed a human rights complaint against the province. Nichols likewise faces a human rights complaint after he refused to marry a same-sex couple in May.
An Alberta pastor, Stephen Boissoin, also faces a complaint filed by an assistant professor of the University of Calgary and gay-rights advocate, Darren Lund. The complaint centers on Boissoin’s letter to the editor published in the Red Deer Advocate in June 2002. The initial complaint was dismissed by the Alberta Human Rights Commission, but it has been appealed. The date of the hearing has not been set but is expected shortly.
Bishop Fred Henry from Calgary also faced similar action for a pastoral letter sent to his Catholic constituency, protesting the same-sex marriage legislation. This complaint was dropped in late August when the complainant, Norm Greenfield, admitted that his complaints were intended primarily to attract media attention.
Pray that Christians in Canada will be free to voice their position on ethical issues without the threat of legal action.
Pray that the federal and provincial governments will pass and enforce legislation protecting religious rights.
Pray for these and others facing complaints for raising their voice on ethical issues."
If same-sex marriage is legalized in Texas it would remove the "teeth" from the battle that many pro-family leaders and parents are engaged in concerning public schools teaching that "alternate lifestyles" are acceptable.
Supporting Proposition 2 and agreeing with God's righteous standard as the law of the land doesn't mean that our churches and our hearts are closed to homosexuals who need God's grace and ministry. We can stand for righteous laws and have a heart of compassion and open doors to any person trapped in sin in our congregations.
What does God say about it?
After the Lord commends the Church at Thyatira for her works, charity, service, faith and patience, He says this in Revelation 2:20, "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow (tolerate, permit) that woman Jezebel…to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality…" We are not only judged for our compassion but for what we tolerate.
The church must weigh in on this election to insure that God's standard for marriage is the law of the land.
Will you do three things over the next five weeks?
1. Register Voters in your church through October 9?
Some tips about Voter Registration.
You must be a citizen, not just a legal resident to register to vote.
Individuals who will be 18 by November 8 can register to vote now.
Anyone who has moved, even in the same precinct must register to vote again.
In Texas a member of the immediate family can register members of their immediate households. So you can register your wife, husband and children.
It's not necessary to be deputized to register voters in your church. Just have your folks fill out the Voter Registration Cards, collect them in a box marked MAIL and DROP THEM IN THE MAILBOX. DO NOT DELIVER them to the Elections Office.
Don't be confused by the pocket on the new cards. It's not necessary to include a copy of your identification to register. You'll be asked to show ID the first time you vote in a federal election.
For your voter registration to be valid for the November 8 election, the Voter Registration Cards must be postmarked by October 11.
You may pick up Voter Registration Cards at your county elections office or call the Secretary of State's office at 1-800-252-8683 and they will mail them to you.
Visit http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/reqvr.shtml to print a Voter Registration Card that requires postage to mail or to request a postage-free card be sent to you personally. You must call for bulk mailings.
Early Voting is October 24 – November 4.
2. Deliver Voter Guides for Distribution in Churches October 23-November 6
One of the most important things you can do for the election is to distribute Voter Guides. Although Proposition 2 is the only moral issue on the ballot, there are 9 Constitutional Amendments on the ballot.
Free Market Foundation will print and distribute 3 million voter guides before the election. The Voter Guides give the PROS and CONS of Proposition 2 as well as the other 8 constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot.
Estimate one voter guide per household for those who attend on Sunday morning and order the number of VOTER GUIDES you need at the bottom of the attached form. Let us know the number you need in ENGLISH and the number of Spanish voter guides you need. The Voter Guides will be mailed by the beginning of Early Voting October 24.
Consider being a distribution point for churches in your city or county. Order enough voter guides for your area and send teenagers to deliver them to the churches right up until Election Day.
3. Get the word out to other pastors in your denomination, city and county
Most Texas pastors support marriage between one man and one woman. They just don't know there's an election in November.
Please get the word out to other pastors to:
Register voters
Preach about it from your pulpit.
Announce it on your radio and TV program.
Write about it in your bulletin and church newsletter.
Unlike elections where candidates and political parties are involved, this election is legal for pastors and churches to ENDORSE Proposition 2 and GET OUT THE VOTE for marriage.
The restrictions that apply to elections where candidates and political parties are involved DO NOT APPLY to this election. Speak out about it.
A vote FOR Proposition 2 is a vote for God's righteous standard of marriage between one man and one woman.
Will you commit NOW to do MORE than just educate your own congregation? Get the word out to your sphere of influence, your denominational leader and other pastors in your city and county.
Passion is on the side of the opposition. We must overcome passivity to see a God's righteous standard as the law in Texas.
The outcome of this election may very well depend on YOU!
Several pro-family leaders and groups, including Kelly Shackelford of Free Market Foundation, have collaborated together to give you accurate information and resources relating to the November 8 Special Election. It is http://www.texansformarriage.org. Several things of interest are:
Pastor Freedoms
Pastor Helps
Recent Studies
Scripture References
Sample Ballot
Fitness By Marilyn
Independent AIM Member - Marilyn Wilson Price
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